Tenho esittää: Bolero meets Bossa
2024 / klo 19.00. 
Vapaa pääsy / free entry
Muusikot Gustavo Holanda ja Javier Sánchez esittävät bossa novan ja klassisen boleron maailman sielullisia ääniä aivan Töölön sydämessä. Yhdessä he lupaavat syvästi melodiseen, hypnoottiseen ja kiehtovaan äänikokemuksen.
Gustavo Holanda (Brasilia) Kitara ja laulu
Javier Sánchez (Espanja) Basso ja laulu
Tervetuloa intiimin akustisen musiikin iltaan!
Join us on a journey through the soulful sounds of Bossa Nova and classic Boleros performed with passion. Gustavo Holanda and Javier Sánchez promise to take us into a deeply melodic, hypnotic and fascinating sonic experience. Come enjoy the soothing, romantic vibes of the Bossa Nova mixed with the intense and heartfelt beats of the bolero. We hope to see you all there! 
Tenho Restobar, Helsinginkatu 15
Kitchen 16-21
Bar 16-23
Afterwork offers 16-18
"From Bossa Nova to South American Folk: Gustavo Holanda & Javier Sanchez's Melodic Voyage"
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Brazilian and South American music with the dynamic duo of guitarist and vocalist Gustavo Holanda and Spanish bassist Javier Sanchez. From classic Bossa Nova tunes to traditional folk melodies, their performances offer a captivating journey through the rich sounds of the region, infused with soulful interpretations and innovative arrangements.
Thank you!

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